If you have found my site then you are probably struggling in areas of your life, with a little understanding that it could be better.
Anxiety and depression are created by your thoughts alone.
Depression is thoughts from the past and anxiety is thoughts of the future.
Learn to become more present and live in the moment.
You are not your thoughts,
so don’t let them run your life!
We have over 80,000 thoughts a day, on a good day 50% are negative, and then the next day we repeat 80% of those thoughts….. so no wonder your mind can make you feel ill right if you have so many negative thoughts running through your mind every day on repeat.
These thoughts can lead to emotions of anxiety, depression and general unhappy wellbeing. Are you feeling exhausted and angry. When you are feeling like this, it can make functioning on a day to day basis difficult.
Your relationships can suffer, feeling agitated and arguing with friends and family. You work life can be impacted with feelings of not good enough or maybe you feel that you don’t belong here anymore.
When you are able to quieten your mind it can have a profound and life changing effect .
Things just begin to feel so much easier. You have clarity of thoughts, and life begins to flow .
The first step is to become aware of your thoughts and that they are just that thoughts and nothing else.
How do you do this?
By quieting your mind on a daily basis.
Building a regular daily meditation practice can free you from the shackles of negative thoughts and change your life.
Mediation is not woo woo BS and just 8 minutes of settling your mind a day can have a profound positive effect on your well being.
Learn life biggest hack and live a life where you are equipped to deal with the stress and anxiety we have all learnt to accept.
Become aware of your thoughts and start to live a Brighter Lighter Life.

Hello, I am Yvette
When I became aware of my mind...
One day, I was lost and confused in a hospital corridor, a victim of early menopause symptoms. The mood swings, arguments, and isolation took a toll on my life. I turned to alcohol for temporary relief, but it only worsened things.
Prescribed antidepressants brought some relief, but they came with debilitating headaches. My life spiralled downward, fueled by brain fog and anxiety.
Desperate for help, I prayed for a sign. It arrived as a yoga retreat just a few miles from home. This marked the beginning of my spiritual journey.
Daily meditation became my sanctuary, reducing anxiety and bringing clarity. My life improved; mood swings lessened, and I drank less. I realized I needed to change my career, but traditional paths were not feasible.
During lockdown, I took a meditation teacher training course, discovering my purpose. Now, I teach others to meditate, showing then that it is not the woowoo bullshit that people think it is
Today, I live a happy, peaceful life. Physical symptoms occasionally resurface, but I manage them with meditation. I've embraced a healthier lifestyle, no longer craving sugar and alcohol.
Coldwater swimming has become my joy, connecting me with nature. I want to share this transformation with others young and old.
I now teach others that meditation is not the woowoo bullshit that people think it is.
It is the most simple life hack to a happy wellbeing. Once you know how to meditate your life will change for the best and it will never go back.
It a very simple tool to learn that an help you live a life with less stress, less anxiety and more joy.
Watch how your relationships around you change, personal, work and family. You will notice the world around you becomes visually more beautiful as your mind slows down and allows you to observe the natural beauty and positivity that is around you everyday.
Free Guided Meditation
FREE Brighter Lighter Life Audio Meditation
Take your first steps towards building a consistent meditation routine.